Theses - 2010s
- Ames, Jennifer, 'In the shadows of vampires: Dom Augustin Calmet and his Traite sur les apparitions', B.A. (Hons),
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- 2010
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- Anderson, Beth, 'The Bulgarian Medics Affair: Origins and outcome of the Libyan HIV outbreak', B.A. (Hons),
- Year
- 2010
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- Barry, Amelia, 'The role of Agamemnon and his authority in Homer's Iliad', B.A. (Hons),
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- 2010
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- Boothman, Harriet, 'The prison experience of the suffragettes', B.A. (Hons),
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- 2010
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- Brooks, Nerida, 'American participant: The American Spectator and conservative opposition to Bill Clinton', B.A. (Hons),
- Year
- 2010
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- Chandler, Clare, 'The Bronx Pygmy: Ota Benga, empires and interconnected worlds', B.A. (Hons),
- Year
- 2010
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- Dosser, Robert, 'The Wehrmacht's attack on Moscow 1941: A critical assessment', B.A. (Hons),
- Year
- 2010
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- Dune, Anna, 'Perceptions of the Spanish Inquisition: 16th century pamphlets of England', B.A. (Hons),
- Year
- 2010
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- Edwards, Grace, ''Classical enough in all conscience': The reception of the Russian Ballet tours in New Zealand, 1937 and 1939', B.A. (Hons),
- Year
- 2010
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- Feldman, Benjamin, 'Rethinking the 'assimilationism' and 'anti-Zionism' of Rabbi Jacob Danglow (1880-1962): Jewish universalism, race and nation', B.A. (Hons), 2010. Details
- Gassin, Timothy, 'One people, one destiny? Australasian Federation and New Zealand national identity', B.A. (Hons), 2010. Details
- Haweil, Joseph, 'The terminal state of the American health care system and public discourse on its reform under the Johnson and Obama administrations', B.A. (Hons), 2010. Details
- Henry, Melanie, 'The international or the autonomous zone? Mohamed Choukri's Tangier 1942-56', B.A. (Hons),
- Year
- 2010
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- Hetherington, Scott, 'The geological survey of Victoria 1852-1869', B.A. (Hons), 2010. Details
- Hodgson, Katrina, 'New dialogues: A study of Indigenous representations in Australia's immigration museums', B.A. (Hons), 2010. Details
- James, Laura, 'A little piece of Australia in France. Memory, loyalty and nationalism in historicising the relationship between Victoria and Villers-Bretonneux', B.A. (Hons), 2010. Details
- Lamb, Jessica, 'The history and contemporary activities of the gay and lesbian liaison officers of Victorian police', B.A. (Hons), 2010. Details
- Looney, Hannah Jane, 'Women and resistance in East Timor', B.A. (Hons), 2010. Details
- Lowe, Bronwyn, 'Women or the WAAAF - An alternative experience of WW2', B.A. (Hons), 2010. Details
- Lysons, Shari, 'The ghosts of 1641: Supernatural encounters in the Irish Rebellion', B.A. (Hons), 2010. Details
- Marshall, Eric, '1964: Jack Kennedy, Bary Goldwater, and what might have been', B.A. (Hons), 2010. Details
- Mccallum, Elizabeth, 'Anzac Utopia: Genesis of a legend', B.A. (Hons),
- Year
- 2010
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- McGarry, Miriam, 'Participation, authority and digital technology in the contemporary museum: The case of the Immigration Museum, Melbourne', B.A. (Hons), 2010. Details
- McGregor, Stewart, 'Operation Wrath of God: Its aims, motives and outcomes', B.A. (Hons),
- Year
- 2010
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- Midgley, Tessa, 'Shooting the past. The Abu Ghraib photos, torture and American identity', B.A. (Hons), 2010. Details
- Moran, Patrick, 'Peel's party: The transformation of political conservatives from government men to party men in the United Kingdom 1827-1841', B.A. (Hons), 2010. Details
- Murray, Patrick, 'The politics of veteran settlement in the Age of Sulla', B.A. (Hons),
- Year
- 2010
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- Musgrove, Alex, 'Cultures at war: Values, affiliation and the battle for Massachusetts in the American Revolutionary War', B.A. (Hons), 2010. Details
- Oshea, Robert, ''Published with Authority': Social justice statements of the Australian Catholic Bishops 1940-1987', B.A. (Hons), 2010. Details
- Permadi, Raden Dian, 'Nationalising desire: The anti-pornography and pornaction draft bill discourse in post-authoritarian Indonesia', B.A. (Hons), 2010. Details
- Reddington, Tom, 'In the footsteps of heroes: How the history of the Kokada Track campaigns has been misunderstood over time', B.A. (Hons), 2010. Details
- Riekert, Elizabeth, ''Truth' in the telling? Journalists and the 'truth' and reconciliation commission of South Africa', B.A. (Hons), 2010. Details
- Ritchie, Darin, 'Progressives and constitutional reform: Determination, luck and the improbable passage of the Seventeenth Amendment', B.A. (Hons), 2010. Details
- Scharp, Alexander, 'A case study of British diplomacy: The Iranian Revolution and the Shah's asylum', B.A. (Hons),
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- 2010
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- Shepherd, Clare, 'Illness and war. The impact of the 1918 Spanish influenza pandemic on the outcome of the First World War', B.A. (Hons),
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- 2010
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- Sleigh, Helen, 'Strathbogie and the Great War: The experiences of a farming village', B.A. (Hons),
- Year
- 2010
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- Stammers, Tom, 'The ideal man: Poetry and reality in the masculinities of late Anglo-Saxon England', B.A. (Hons),
- Year
- 2010
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- Stephens, Tillie, 'The arrival of the Afghan, 1888: Chinese immigration, race and the boundries of social membership in Pre-Federation Victoria', B.A. (Hons),
- Year
- 2010
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- Talty, Megan, 'More than just a drinking place: The hotels of Carlton, Fitzroy and Collingwood 1870-1900', B.A. (Hons),
- Year
- 2010
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- Tas, Shane, 'Holding the man: Hegemonic masculinity and AFL football', B.A. (Hons),
- Year
- 2010
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- Thomas-Noone, Brendan, ''Wake up America!' - September 11th, evangelical cosmology and the gathering of a nation', B.A. (Hons),
- Year
- 2010
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- Thwaite, Conal, 'Anarcho-syndicalism in Melbourne and Sydney', B.A. (Hons),
- Year
- 2010
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- Volkov, Alice, 'Human rights interest groups and United States foreign policy: The case of Argentina', B.A. (Hons),
- Year
- 2010
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- Allan, Jackson, 'Between the scholars and the nation: Muhammad Baqir al-Hakim, SCIRI, and Islamic Government in Iraq', B.A. (Hons), 2011. Details
- Barnes, Joel, 'The right to read: The Book Censorship Abolition League 1943-37', B.A. (Hons), 2011. Details
- Blank, Shari, 'In defence of liberal studies: A case for modern Catholicism to reclaim Renaissance humanism', B.A. (Hons), 2011. Details
- Caldwell, Thomas, 'Infamy, damnation and the arena performances of the Emperor Commodus', B.A. (Hons), 2011. Details
- Coleridge, Benedict, 'A policy emerges: The Liberal Party and the introduction of mandatory detention of illegal arrivals in Australia', B.A. (Hons), 2011. Details
- Culhane, Elizabeth, ''Slamming the door shut': The rescission of Women's ordination in the Presbyterian Church of Australia', B.A. (Hons), 2011. Details
- Evelyn, Chew Shuhan, 'Hawkins road camp. Reconstructing the history of the Singapore Vietnamese refugee camp', B.A. (Hons), 2011. Details
- Grossnickle, Ona, 'The war crimes of Erich von Manstein and its role in the 'clean' Wehrmacht myth', B.A. (Hons), 2011. Details
- Huf, Ben, 'Insuring the nation? The Australian public and their view of government in the National Insurance debates, 1937-1939', B.A. (Hons), 2011. Details
- Jarosinski, Jan, 'The Severan Accession. Change and continuity in the time of Septimius Serverus', B.A. (Hons), 2011. Details
- Johnstone, Claire, 'A Song for Ireland': The continuing tradition in Irish Nationalist and Unionist political songs and ballads', B.A. (Hons), 2011. Details
- Keating, Bonne, ''For jobs and freedom': The black press, black unions and Civil Rights 1943-1944', B.A. (Hons), 2011. Details
- Kelloway, Phoebe, 'Melbourne and Launceston Textiles Strike, 1932: Stared by communists and betrayed by union officials?', B.A. (Hons), 2011. Details
- Mackie, Cassandra, 'Useless trollops or founding mothers? Irish famine orphan immigration 1848-1850', B.A. (Hons), 2011. Details
- Meath, Lauren Elise, 'More than religion: How the Melbourne Jewish community reacts to Israel related issues', B.A. (Hons), 2011. Details
- Plater, Michael, 'Sexuality, heresy and devil worship: Illicit sexuality as demonic threat in the fourteenth-century trials of the Knights Templar', B.A. (Hons), 2011. Details
- Purchase, William, 'Rereading Sallust', B.A. (Hons), 2011. Details
- Ratcliff, Bronwyn, 'Scars on the landscape. The Melbourne Museum, representations of frontier violence and the Australian historical narrative', B.A. (Hons), 2011. Details
- Roberts, Caitlin, 'Degrees of segregation. How the GI bill shaped the post-war education experiences of African American Veterans', B.A. (Hons), 2011. Details
- Speechley, Soon-Tzu, 'Cette musique, dont l'antiquite remonte. Three French responces to the music of China 1770-1780', B.A. (Hons), 2011. Details
- Sutherland, Alexandra, 'Valedictory despatches: The Arabists and post-imperial British diplomacy', B.A. (Hons), 2011. Details
- Van Ryn, Sarah, 'Carrying the torch of freedom down under: The African American press campaign against Australian race prejudice during World War II', B.A. (Hons), 2011. Details
- Watson, Lucy, 'From Block-walker to streetwalker: Women in urban space in Melbourne 1880-1914', B.A. (Hons), 2011. Details