Browse Theses - B
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- Baglin, Lois R.W., 'The Australian Tuberculosis Campaign 1948-1976; Why Was It Successful And What Did It Achieve?', B.A. (Hons),
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- Baird, Mary, 'Pakistan nationalism; its growth and fulfilment', B.A. (Hons),
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- Baker, Amy Rebecca, 'From La Amistad to Amistad America, Inc.: Interpretations of slavery in the United States', B.A. (Hons),
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- Baker, Jarrod, ''Bring the forgotten digger home': Integrating the memory of the Vietname War into the ANZAC legend', B.A. (Hons),
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- Bakker, James Mason, 'The native Irish-Christian Interface in two early hagiographies of St Patrick', B.A. (Hons),
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- Balakrisnan, Pavarthy, 'Making the Singaporean citizen: Educational policies from 1980s-1990s', B.A. (Hons),
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- Balkin, Emma, 'Flawed Punishment: The Post-war Trials of Pierre Laval and Albert Speer', B.A. (Hons),
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- Ballantyne, Perrie, 'Losing the Birthplace: The Museum of Sydney and the Search for Firmer Foundations', B.A. (Hons),
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- Ballard, Bernadette Ann, 'Limiting The Music Domain: Constructions Of Femininity And Masculinity In The Harmonicon (1823- 1833)', B.A. (Hons),
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- Balzidis, Despina, 'Jack Lindsay and the Vision Aesthetic: A cultural episode in Australian nationalism', B.A. (Hons),
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- Bambridge, Ian, 'The Greek View of Indian Religion', B.A. (Hons),
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- Bamforth, Thomas, 'A delicate equilibrium: Russian and British competition in Iran between 1900 and 1920', B.A. (Hons),
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- Banivanua Mar, Tracey, 'Cannibal Discourse: Colonial Representations and Imagery of Fijians in the Nineteenth Century', B.A. (Hons),
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- Barber, Frances, 'Boadicea Supplanted Women: Pacifism and the British National Identity 1919-1929', B.A. (Hons),
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- Barber, Stella, 'Community in crisis: Richmond and the Great Depression, 1930-1932', B.A. (Hons),
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- Barclay, Judy, 'A Tradition Transplanted: The Activities of the Society of St Columban in China, 1920-52', B.A. (Hons),
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- Barker, Alice, 'Nationalists and nurturers: The romanticised role of Australian women during World War II as depicted by the covers of Australian Women's Weekly', B.A. (Hons),
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- Barlow, Steven, 'Suburban Melbourne in the 1920s: Architecture and society', B.A. (Hons),
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- Barnard, Jill, 'Australian women at work during the Second World War: aspects and implications of the employment of women in the munitions industry', B.A. (Hons),
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- Barnett, Lyndal, 'Marxism and 'Feminism': Experiences of and with the Socialist Workers Party (now the Democratic Socialist Party) in Australia, 1975-1990', B.A. (Hons),
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- Barrett, Adrienne, 'Communist Party of Australia's Response to the Women's Liberation Movement 1970-1979', B.A. (Hons),
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- Barrett, Maria Alice, 'Fragmented bodies: An analysis of hybridity on Pitcairn', B.A. (Hons),
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- Barrett, Michael, 'The Electoral Death of the Dlp, April-may 1974: A Political Whodunnit', B.A. (Hons),
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- Barrile, Simon, 'Film as popular entertainment in Australian society during the 1920s', B.A. (Hons),
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- Barrow, Elizabeth, 'The Melbourne Centennial International Exhibition: Its relationship with and influence on the cultural life of 'Marvellous Melbourne'', B.A. (Hons),
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- Barry, Amamda, 'Filling the silence? The Australian Aborigine in children's books', B.A. (Hons),
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- Barry, Amelia, 'The role of Agamemnon and his authority in Homer's Iliad', B.A. (Hons),
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- Barson, Petrina, 'Distance and power: Alvar Núnez Cabeza de Vaca's governorship of the Rio de la Plata', B.A. (Hons),
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- Bartle, Claire, 'In separate spaces: 'in loco parentis': The women's colleges of the University of Melbourne, 1886-1974', B.A. (Hons),
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- Bartlett, Peter, 'Dr Hawksworth's editing of Cook's First Voyage', B.A. (Hons),
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- Bate, Christopher, 'The conservation of forests in Victoria from 1835-85, with special reference to goldfields', B.A. (Hons),
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- Bath, Joanna L, 'A history of Anglo-Saxon archeology considered in its relation to other Anglo-Saxon Studies', B.A. (Hons),
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- Bathgate, Jane, 'The Powerful Ritual of Human Sacrifice in Tahiti: 1787-1815', B.A. (Hons),
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- Batt, Karen, 'Domestic violence and divorce. Perceptions and reality. A study of divorce and domestic violence in Victoria in the period 1891-1900', B.A. (Hons),
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- Baxter, Ruth, 'Nothing Nasty and Nothing Nice. The Foundation of the Queen Victoria Hospital & the Construction of the Woman Doctor', B.A. (Hons),
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- Beaverstock, John G., 'The Encyclical Mit Brennender Sorge: Its Significance in the History of relations between the Vatican and National Socialist Germany', B.A. (Hons),
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- Beaverstock, Rowena, 'The Orgelbewegung and its influence on organ building in Melbourne, 1972-83', B.A. (Hons),
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- Bede, Amanda, 'The Australian Women's Land Army in Victoria 1942 to 1945', B.A. (Hons), 1983. Details
- Belbruno, Joseph, 'French Planning and Democracy - The Monnet Plan, 1946-52', B.A. (Hons),
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- Bell, Catherine, 'Mary E. Surratt: All Respected Her Sex, None Believed Her Innocent', B.A. (Hons),
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- Bell, Matthew, 'The Half-fulfilled Promise: Leisure and the Working Class in Marvellous Melbourne', B.A. (Hons),
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- Bella, Simone, 'White Students in Black Mississippi: The Mississippi Freedom Summers 1964-1965', B.A. (Hons),
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- Bellear, Lisa, 'Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander women and non-Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander women working together', B.A. (Hons), 1993. Details
- Bendeler, Tamsin, ''Anzac knockers rapped': Gender critques of the Anzac legend', B.A. (Hons),
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- Benham, Lorraine, 'The split in the Victorian Political Labour Council in 1916', B.A. (Hons),
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- Benjamin, Rodney, 'The political laboratory of the Victorian Labour Laws, 1873-1905', B.A. (Hons),
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- Benza, Juan Manuel Espinoza, 'The past becomes history only when we tell it to be: Constructing the Bolivian October Revolution', B.A. (Hons),
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- Berry, Claire, 'Spectres of the past: The unique impact of Vietnam War photography', B.A. (Hons),
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- Besemeres, Helen I., 'Some aspects of the movement of women's suffrage in Victoria, 1889-1908', B.A. (Hons),
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- Best, Amanda, 'The Pathology of Gender. Medical Perspectives of Hysteria and Femininity in the Lancet, 1840-1890', B.A. (Hons),
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- Bevan-John, Rhiannon, 'Jean-léon Gérôme and orientalism: a gendered perspective', B.A. (Hons),
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- Bickham, Christian, 'The influence of the Templars in the Holy Land', B.A. (Hons), 1999. Details
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- Bilney, Irene, 'The published works of George Taplin: The legacy of a man with a mission', B.A. (Hons),
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- Binger, Cam, '1967 Referendum', B.A. (Hons),
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- Binks, Sarah, 'The illusion of non-violence: The radicalization of the Madres de Plaza de Mayo', B.A. (Hons),
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- Bishop, Jessica, 'Indigenous people and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome: A comparison of Aboriginal and Native American Aids organisations and related issues', B.A. (Hons),
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- Blackburn, Annwyn, 'The referendum regarding 'local option', with special reference to the two 'dry areas' - Borroondara and Nunawading', B.A. (Hons),
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- Blackhouse, William Herbert, 'The back to: Celebration, identity and memory', B.A. (Hons), 1998. Details
- Blackley, Graham, 'Policing the Metropolis 1800-1839', B.A. (Hons),
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